Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Play Date and a Haircut

with dawson in play gym

Quite conveniently, a friend of mine live in a building two blocks away that just so happens to also have a hair salon downstairs. She graciously offered to watch David while I went to get a much needed hair cut before we headed over to baby story time at the library. Here is David hanging out with her daughter, Dawson, who is just four weeks younger than David.

Due to being too lazy to get my hair cut except once in about three years, it was about the longest it had ever been. With post-partum hair loss kicking in, I just couldn’t deal with it anymore.


2012-10-16 12.11.06


short hair cropped

Friday, October 12, 2012

Happy Put-Your-Baby-In-A-Costume Month

pumpkin 1

Yes, that’s right. We’ll be putting David in various costumes throughout the month of October. Does anyone really think just one day can contain all this cute?

I saw this at Thrift Town and just couldn’t resist. It’s actually sized 18 months, so it fits him like a bunting now, and should still fit him next year with his legs sticking all the way out.

Stay tuned, we’ve got more costumes coming…